Ready to boost your career in criminal justice? 澳门网上博彩官方网站 has the ideal degree program for you.

Waldorf’s online Bachelor of Applied Science in Criminal Justice degree is designed for those with professional experience in careers such as:

  • 案例管理器
  • 合规经理
  • 狱警
  • 调查员
  • 少年法庭辩护律师
  • 防损专员
  • 警察
  • 缓刑、假释官

澳门网上博彩官方网站, you may be able to convert your professional experience from your career in criminal justice into college credits, 节省你的时间和金钱.

As a student in our BAS in Criminal Justice program, you will deepen your knowledge and skills in the three primary areas of the criminal justice system: law enforcement, 法庭和惩教. You will also complete courses in sociology and business to broaden your criminal justice perspective and prepare you for advancement and additional career opportunities.

Please note: Waldorf’s BAS programs are designed for working professionals with significant work experience. If you don’t have significant work experience, you may be better suited to our 刑事司法学士学位.

Why Earn Your Bachelor of Applied Science in Criminal Justice Degree Online at Waldorf?

Whether your career in criminal justice is relatively new or you are a seasoned professional, earning your BAS in Criminal Justice degree online from Waldorf can open doors and present you with new opportunities for advancement. Whether you aspire to obtain a management or leadership position or you wish to specialize in a particular area, this criminal justice program is a smart choice.

Enhance Your Expertise With a Concentration in 国土安全

Waldorf’s BAS in Criminal Justice program offers you the opportunity to choose a Concentration in 国土安全. American awareness of terrorism has increased greatly since the 9-11 attacks. The Department of 国土安全 (DHS) has become the largest federal law enforcement agency in the United States. 在这种浓度下, you will delve into the workings and operations of DHS, 包括以下主题:

  • 美国国土安全
  • 战术反应行动
  • 恐怖主义
  • 大规模杀伤性武器

Earn Your BAS in Criminal Justice Degree Online Around Your Busy Schedule

全职工作, having a family and other obligations can make it seem difficult to fit in obtaining a degree. 澳门网上博彩官方网站了解, which is why we work hard to make our online BAS in Criminal Justice program flexible, with options for studying full or part time, 根据你的日程安排需要.

为最佳的灵活性和便利性, you will earn your degree online through our highly regarded criminal justice program course content, delivered through the latest interactive technology and remote course delivery systems. While you can complete your studies at your own pace, our system allows you to interact with your professors and classmates, feeling like you are still part of the class.

Learn From Expert Criminal Justice 教师 Professionals 

The best way to deepen your knowledge of the criminal justice system is to learn from experienced professionals based on their extensive careers in criminal justice. Our criminal justice program faculty are practicing professionals in their fields, offering extensive experience that will help you understand the realities of the criminal justice field.

Waldorf’s criminal justice faculty members come from a variety of areas of the criminal justice system, 包括:

  • 律师
  • 法官
  • 青少年服务工作者
  • 心理健康临床医生
  • 缓刑和执法人员

Bachelor of Applied Science in Criminal Justice Degree Curriculum 概述

Your coursework will include foundational courses in criminal justice and related areas, 包括:

  • 司法程序
  • 犯罪学
  • 受害者研究
  • 犯罪中的心理健康
  • 刑法

Waldorf’s wide variety of criminal justice elective courses allow you to customize your studies to focus on the areas most important to you and your career in criminal justice. 选修课的几个例子包括:

  • 刑事调查
  • Criminal Justice Organization and Administration
  • 少年司法与犯罪
  • 刑事司法领导
  • Management and Supervision Skills for Criminal Justice
  • 感化及社区感化服务



B.A.S. 学位要求

  • 完成B.A.S. 核心课程(30学分)
  • Completion of the required courses in a major field (30 Credits)
  • Completion of additional courses (including any supported courses required by the major in other departments) to a total of 120 credits depending on the major
  • A grade of C or higher in all coursework in the major and, if applicable, in the concentration(s)
  • 2.00 cumulative grade point average for work completed at Waldorf (Some majors may require a cumulative GPA higher than a 2.00)
  • Minimum of 30 upper-division credit hours

查看完整的列表 核心需求 对于这个项目.

Bachelor of Applied Science in Criminal Justice Degree Reequirements

前缀 数量 课程 学分
主要的需求 30
CRJ 2000 刑事司法概论 3
CRJ 2001 执法理论与实践“, 3
CRJ 2200 矫正的理论与实践 3
CRJ 2301 司法程序 3
CRJ 2501 犯罪学 3
CRJ 3010 受害者研究 3
CRJ 3020 犯罪中的心理健康 3
CRJ 3601 刑法 3
CRJ 4103 刑事司法中的多样性和伦理 3
REL 4035 生命、意义和使命 3
专业选修课* 60
CRJ 2900 Management and Supervision Skills for CJ 3
CRJ 3201 少年司法与犯罪 3
CRJ 3701 刑事调查 3
CRJ 3801 刑事证据和法律问题 3
CRJ 3950 法官的宪法 3
CRJ 4001 司法系统的程序 3
CRJ 4201 感化及社区感化服务 3
CRJ 4350 刑事司法领导 3
CRJ 4701 Criminal Justice Organization and Administration 3
CRJ 4119C 专题:犯罪学 3
CRJ 4199CJ 专题:刑事司法 3
CRJ 4199JJ 专题:少年司法 3
波尔 1010 美国政府 3
公共汽车 3210 商业法 3
总计: 120

*Any Waldorf courses may be selected from the catalog to be used as electives, provided that they are not used to satisfy other program requirements. 所提供的是选修课样本. The concentration options listed above may also be used toward elective credits.

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